computer laptop with the words cyber incident review on the screen.  Data Protection Education logo on the notebook to the right of the laptop. Harry the Hacker cartoon phishing a laptop

A cyber incident review is a process or analysis undertaken after a cyber security incident or cyber attack has occurred.  It involves analysing the event in detail to understand what happened, why it happened and how it can be prevented in the future.

Navy background. White text with words cyber resilience. Data Protection Education logo. Navy key hole in shape of a shield on a light blue network

We have previously written about the Cyber Resilience Centres which are 9 regional centres in the UK which were part of a Home Office initiative to help strengthen the reach of cyber resilience across the community.
We recently met with Daniel Sykes, the Cyber Crime Protect and Prepare Office for the South East Cyber Resilience Centre, to ask
about how their services can help small businesses, schools and multi academy trusts.

A hand taking some documents off of a large printer. The data protection education logo in blue going down from top to bottom to the right of the printer

While visiting organisations during our data walks we will have a conversation with you about how printers are used in your organisation, we will discuss access controls and have a look around the print area and any recycling facilities.  Printing can be expensive as the cost of paper and toner has risen, but it can also be costly to your cyber resilience and your data breach security.

Checklists in navy text by Data Protection Education. Data Protection Services badge.  The DPE Knowledge Bank on a laptop screen

All of our customers have access to the DPE Knowledge Bank which has a Best Practice Checklist area.  Each checklist is designed to help you walk through all aspects of data protection.

A computer screen with computer code. The word cyber attack in red in amongst the code

During February there have been a number of attacks reported on Universities in the UK.  There were reports of hackers attacking the universities of Cambridge, Manchester and Wolverhampton.  Systems were affected at all sites.  The disruption is the latest reported attack by Anonymous Sudan.  It is thought the attacks are related to the UK's support of Israel in the Gaza conflict.

  1. Cyber Attack on a School
  2. Product Focus on Checklists : Redaction
  3. Major cyber-criminal gang Lockbit brought down by UK Law Enforcement
  4. Why Due Diligence is Important: Fake apps
  5. Product Focus on Checklists : CCTV
  6. Product Focus on Checklists : Clear desk
  7. Product Focus on Checklists : Commitment to compliance
  8. Product Focus on Checklists : Photos and video
  9. Product Focus on Checklists : Passwords
  10. Product Focus on Checklists : Information Classification
  11. Safer Internet Day 2024
  12. Kent Councils Data Breach
  13. Free cyber training for staff
  14. DfE Digital Standards Update
  15. The Mother of all Breaches
  16. ClassCharts Possible Data Breach
  17. Where is your data stored?
  18. IAPP looks at AI privacy risks
  19. If you suspect a financial scam .....
  20. Guardians of Privacy: 16. Social Media Checklist
  21. Guardians of Privacy: 15. Navigating Social Media in Educational Settings Summary
  22. Guardians of Privacy: 14. Social Media and Cyber Bullying
  23. Guardians of Privacy: 13. Social Media, Copyright and Intellectual Property
  24. Guardians of Privacy: 12. Social Media and Going Viral
  25. Guardians of Privacy: 11. Staff Social Media Accounts
  26. Guardians of Privacy: 10. Social Media and Cookies
  27. Guardians of Privacy: 9. Social Media and Morality
  28. New Resources for Schools from the ICO
  29. Guardians of Privacy: 8. Social Media Policies
  30. Guardians of Privacy: 7. Social Media Data Retention
  31. Guardians of Privacy: 6. Posting Safely
  32. Guardians of Privacy: 5. Social Media and Consent
  33. Guardians of Privacy: 4. Social Media Access Control
  34. Guardians of Privacy: 3. Social Media Channels
  35. Guardians of Privacy: 2. Law and Regulations
  36. Guardians of Privacy: 1. Social media, privacy and children
  37. Latest ICO Reprimand. Mr. S. Claus, Chief Executive Officer, North Pole Enterprises
  38. Phishing attacks targeting schools - alert from City of London Police
  39. The Data Protection And Digital Information Bill (DPADI)
  40. The ICO reprimands a Multi Academy Trust
  41. KCSIE: Filtering, Monitoring and Privacy
  42. Guidance for the use of school email and applying email retention in schools
  43. CISA and UK NCSC Announce Joint Guidelines for Secure AI System Development
  44. Data Protection Tips for Early Years Settings
  45. Children's Privacy around the world is a puzzle
  46. Trust Initial Plan Checklist Update
  47. Update on Advisory for Rhysida Ransomware
  48. Records Management Best Practice Update
  49. Governors and Data Best Practice Area Update
  50. The Crime in a Cyber Attack and a Data Breach
  51. What do I need to redact?
  52. NCSC Annual Review is published for 2023
  53. Learning from Data Breaches
  54. Windows 11 security ineffective against attacks on old devices
  55. Trust Initial Plan for Data Protection Compliance (for Multi Academy Trusts)
  56. International Counter Ransomware Initiative 2023 Joint Statement
  57. Google for Education Resources: Helping IT Admins meet DfE digital and technology standards
  58. Resistant Cloud Backups
  59. Top Ten Cyber Security Misconfigurations
  60. Lettings Best Practice and Guidance
  61. ICO Reprimand: company suffered a ransomware attack
  62. The UK Online Safety Bill becomes an Act (Law)
  63. Considerations when migrating to a new MIS
  64. The importance of software updates (PaperCut vulnerability and Rhysida ransomware)
  65. Public bodies and sensitive data
  66. Adding offline bulk training using the Certificates function
  67. Ransomware, extortion and the cyber crime ecosystem
  68. ICO: 10 Step guide to sharing information to safeguard children
  69. Schools under Cyber Attack: September 2023
  70. Cyber Resource: The Cyber Resilience Centre Group
  71. Email and Security: ICO recent guidance
  72. Help after a Cyber Attack/Incident
  73. Social Media Policy
  74. Data Protection and Cyber Security (Inset Day) Training Ideas
  75. Changes to Microsoft Free Licensing for Schools
  76. What to do in the event of a Cyber Attack
  77. Cyber Crime: AI Generated Phishing Attacks
  78. Handling Freedom of Information Requests the right way
  79. Cyber Attack: Exam Boards
  80. VICE SOCIETY - Ransomware attacks on schools
  81. Using Tags if you are a group of organisations in the DPE Knowledge Bank
  82. Where's Harry the Hacker?
  83. Be Cyber Aware: USB Sticks
  84. Cyber Insurance in the Public Sector
  85. Types of Cyber Attacks: DDos Attack (Microsoft DDoS Attack in June)
  86. Cyber Attack: Manchester University
  87. Cyber Attack: Leytonstone School
  88. The ICO Reprimands a school
  89. Be Cyber Aware: Firewalls
  90. Subject Access Requests (SARs)
  91. Be Cyber Aware: Cyber attacks and transparency. A no blame culture
  92. Cyber Attack: Dorchester School
  93. Knowledge Bank Role Types: Admin, Staff and Trustee
  94. Types of Cyber Attacks: Password Attacks
  95. Be Cyber Aware: Why regular software updates are important
  96. Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023
  97. Cyber Attack: Wiltshire School
  98. Keeping your IT systems safe and secure
  99. Types of Cyber Attacks: DDoS Attacks
  100. Types of Cyber Attacks: Phishing
  101. Types of Cyber Attacks: The Insider Threat
  102. Why your data is profitable to cyber criminals
  103. Using WhatsApp in Schools
  104. The Changes to Data Protection in the UK
  105. Knowledge Bank Updates
  106. Types of malware and how they are linked to data protection
  107. Striking Data Breach
  108. Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2 Retirement
  109. How to contact us for support, subject access requests, data breaches and FOI's
  110. YouTube breached child protection laws
  111. How a school fought back after a cyberattack
  112. Types of Cyber Attacks - Credential Stuffing
  113. January Cyber update - How Can Schools Help Prevent Cyber Attacks?
  114. End of Windows 8.1 Support
  115. Assigning courses to staff using to-dos
  116. How the Record of Processing Can Help You
  117. Information Security Basics: What are VPN's?
  118. What does a Data Protection Officer Do?
  119. Are you ready for a Data Breach?
  120. Blog: Best Practice on the Retention of Child Protection Information
  121. Carrying out Supplier Due Diligence
  122. Email and retention periods
  123. How Long Should You Keep Personal Data For?
  124. The Education sector now at highest risk of cyber attacks
  125. How to Assess your Data Security
  126. Schools Blocked from Using Facial Recognition Systems
  127. Sharing this year’s Nativity play online
  128. A quick introduction to the Phishing Simulation tool
  129. The Children's Code
  130. Recording vaccination of staff
  131. B&H FoI: Racist/religious incidents/bullying
  132. Cyber Attacks
  133. Protocol for Setting Up and Delivery of Online Teaching and Learning
  134. Class Dojo International Data Sharing
  135. Model Publication Scheme: Amendments, Improvements and Updates
  136. Child friendly privacy notices
  137. Transparency
  138. Parents and students covertly recording conversations
  139. SAR? ER? FOI?
  140. Secure file transfer of files using Royal Mail
  141. Emergency contacts and consent
  142. Key elements of a successful DPIA
  143. FOI Publication Schemes
  144. SHARE: Avoid disinformation online
  145. Best Practice for Managing Photos and Video
  146. New Drip Feeds: Recognise and Respond to Subject Access Request
  147. When to contact the Data Protection Officer?
  148. National child measurement programme
  149. Make sure DPE is your registered DPO with the ICO
  150. Compliance Manager released
  151. Headteacher fined for breach of data protection legislation
  152. Emails – good practice and minimising the risk of a data breach
