Child-friendly privacy notices

At Data Protection Education we support hundreds of schools as Data Protection Officer. Many of those schools have children whose rights as data subjects are often looked after by those with parental responsibility.

And whilst it is important to have full privacy notices for older children and adults who can understand those rights, what about younger or those with lower-level literacy or learning difficulties?
As the ICO says:

"In practice, this means that you need to give both the holder of parental responsibility and the child clear and accessible privacy information... you could achieve this by developing different versions for these different audiences, or by producing a child-friendly version that can also be understood by parents.

This gives the consenting parent the information they need, and also help to inform and educate young children for the future and enable them to exercise their rights on their own behalf in line with their evolving capacity to do so."

Our answer has been to produce some graphical child-friendly privacy notices as well as an animated version. 

These are provided free for your to use and distribute for non-commercial use, as long as the Data Protection Education logo is not removed or replaced (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial licence)

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Child-friendly privacy notice: animation

This animation incorporates the engaging comic-strip style of the printable versions (see below) but also incorporates text on screen and a voiceover making it suitable for those with lower-level reading ability.

For users engagement, it also incorporates a music background track, however, if this is something that causes accessibility issues for your users, please contact us for a version without the music track.

To embed this video on your website use this HTML code:

<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As with all these downloads, they are provided free for your to use and distribute for non-commercial use, as long as the Data Protection Education logo is not removed or replaced (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial licence).

Download the graphical versions...

Our comic-strip privacy notice is fun, engaging and informative. We user-tested three variations of this version, and two variations were equally popular, so we've published both. Firstly, a variation utilising a comic-strip style font in the captions. The second variation uses an easy-read font in the captions.

Lastly, we have a  version of the notice as a linear info-graphic style, using an easy-read font. This might be suitable for younger children and due to its size for use on the web.

As with all these downloads, they are provided free for your to use and distribute for non-commercial use, as long as the Data Protection Education logo is not removed or replaced (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial licence).

Click the images to view and download it as a pdf file.
Comic strip child friendly privacy notice with easy read font. Click to download pdf
Comic strip child friendly privacy notice with comic strip font. Click to download pdf
infographic style child friendly privacy notice with easy read font. Click to download pdf

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