General News

Latest ICO Reprimand. Mr. S. Claus, Chief Executive Officer, North Pole Enterprises


To: Mr. S. Claus, Chief Executive Officer, North Pole Enterprises

Of: North Pole The Information Commissioner (the Commissioner) issues a reprimand to North Pole Enterprises (‘Santa Claus’) in accordance with Article 58(2)(b) of the UK General Data Protection Regulation in respect of certain alleged infringements of the UK GDPR. 
The reprimand
The Commissioner has decided to issue a reprimand to North Pole Enterprises i

The Data Protection And Digital Information Bill (DPADI)

This article is now obsolete - the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill was not passed in the last parliamentary session.

It might seem like only yesterday that GDPR, as part of the Data Protection Act 2018 became law, but already we have another change in the law coming our way.

This has been slow getting here - a consultation 'Data: a New Direction' was launched by the government on 10 September 2021 and since then, a Bill was introduced,

Pile of newspapers

Microsoft has recently announced the planned retirement of the Microsoft A1 Licenses for Education.  According to Program Updates in Microsoft 365 for Education page the main reason is to limit storage.  Free, unlimited storage plans have become prohibitive and have become a large vector for security risks and fraud. 

union jack flag next to big ben with the data protection logo as a watermark

On July 18, 2022, the U.K. government introduced the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill to Parliament. Previously known as the Data Reform Bill, it is the result of a consultation from 2021 and its aim is to update and simplify the U.K.’s data protection framework. According to the U.K. government, the new legal framework created by the DPDI Bill will reduce burdens on organizations while maintaining high data protection standards.

Striking Data Breach

The headteacher of a grammar school has left her role after sending parents a list of the teachers going on strike.

The Headteacher at King Edward VI Five Ways Grammar school in Birmingham  had been headmistress for just 18 months when an email she sent to parents is alleged to have named some teachers who would be striking during the planned walkouts last month.

IPR Protection Email Scam

A number of schools have received the below email from a company called IPR Protection.  It is a scam and should be ignored.  

Further information can be found here:

It may be advisable to ask your IT department to block any emails from info@

Microsoft OneNote Vulnerability - Emotet Malware

Recent reports indicate that threat actors/hackers are using Microsoft OneNote to attack organisations when the file is sent as an attachment. Microsoft OneNote attachments use the '.one' file extension - threat actors create templates that appear to be a protected document with a message to 'double-click' a design element to view the file. 

the words data breach in navy, outline of computer, coffee cup and book, outline of books, harry the hacker looking in a filing cabinet, and hacking into a computer

Recently there has been an annual study published by Ponemon Institute (sponsored by Experian) entitled “Is Your Company Ready for a Big Data Breach?”. The study looks at the state of breach preparedness across organisations over a period of a year,
