Best Practice Update

Best practice in white chalk on a blackboard, orange background, data protection education logo in blue

Schools and Trusts Best Practice Area

We've put all the specific school and trust related data protection guides, documents and queries into one area to make it easier for you.

As data protection is closely linked to cyber security the section covers guidance for raising staff awareness with cyber security and other guidance. This area can be accessed by going to the Best Practice Menu at the top of your Knowledge Bank Dashboard and then choosing 'Schools':

The area contains:
  • Welcome Information for when you are a new customer, such as how to let the ICO know that we are now your Data Protection Officer.
  • The Quick Start Guide for Schools is a checklist of the basics of data protection intended for new customers, staff that are new to the data protection lead role, or where a school or trust needs a 'data protection kick-start' for the organisation.
  • Return to School provides checklists and advice for the start of the school year or school term for the data protection leads in schools and trusts.  A series of guides, articles and checklists to aid with this.
  • End of Year provides checklist and advice for the end of the school year for the data protection leads in schools and trusts.  Below is a series of guides, articles and checklists to aid with this.
  • Schools Maintenance Tasks is for ongoing guidance and support for data protection throughout the year.  We advise regularly checking in with your DPE schools consultant for data protection health checks where the ongoing maintenance tasks will be discussed
  • The Trusts Central Team Section is a specific area for additional requirements and guidance for the central team of a trust and should be used in conjunction with the other tabs in this best practice area.  The data protection lead for a trust would meet with their schools consultant in addition to the schools meeting with us.  While the trust team member may be our contact for strategy and policies (if they have been centralised) the school team provide day to day admin tasks such as adding/removing staff from the Knowledge Bank and assigning training.
  • Website Example - an example of what you might want to include in the UK GDPR/Data Protection Area of your school website.
  • Examples and Advice - various articles that we have written that relate specifically to things in schools and any school cyber related issues in the news.
  • FAQ's
  • Ask a Question

We hope this new area will help guide you and give you a guidance and support that you can use as a reference all year round.  If you have any questions or have ideas that you think may help other schools if it were added to the area, then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any additional content.
