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Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2 Retirement

Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2 Retirement

This article is a reminder that Microsoft will stop support for both Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 after October 10th 2023.  Keeping software up to date on devices is best practice to help prevent cyber attacks and data breaches.

Why is this related to data protection?  The NCSC advises that devices should be kept up to date to minimise cyber attacks, protect the organisation and help prevent data breaches.  A cyber attack can occur when hackers/threat actors exploit vulnerabilities in software:

The above article talks about software patches and upgrades to protect against vulnerabilities.  Sometimes, bigger upgrades are required such as a Server version.   In this instance, usually both the software and the hardware has to be upgraded.  The reasons for this might be that the software will not run on the old server, a server warranty is normally for five years, it is not normally possible to upgrade an existing server when it is in use on a daily basis.  This article talks about schools upgrading servers and what should be considered:

In October Microsoft will no longer support versions of Servers running Server 2012 and Server 2012 R1.  This has a much bigger implication because it will also require a hardware upgrade, which can be a huge additional expense.  Details from Microsoft can be found here:

Often a new version of software will bring new functionality and security.  The new version of Windows Server will be called Windows Server 2022 and will have improved security and cyber security. Further information can be found here:

Many schools will consider moving to the cloud to prevent such additional costs, which can also be more secure, the DfE provide further guidance here:




