The IAPP recently wrote an article about how organisations and lawmakers are striving to protect the online safety of children and teens in today's advance digital environment. They find themselves working to solve a 'puzzle' that tries to balance varying legal jurisdictions and cultural considerations.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation states children merit specific protections regarding their personal data and sets the age of consent at 16. Additionally, EU platforms are facing increased requirements from the Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act that include nonspecific children's protections.
The U.K. Age-Appropriate Design Code establishes standards for children's data protection online while the Online Safety Act creates obligations around child safety on online platforms
And in the U.S., states including Arkansas, California and Utah have passed laws to protect children online, while the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act remains in force at the federal level.
There’s undeniable "fragmentation in policy and laws around the world when it comes to children," Denham said. But with the U.K.’s Age-Appropriate Design Code and Online Safety Act, legislative activity in the EU, and U.S. states enacting children's regulations, Denham said, "it’s inevitable that there will be a design focus for children’s services and products online."
Sources of information:
IAPP: Solving the children's privacy 'puzzle'
The following is a transcript from a LinkedIn live session where the latest regulatory law, policy and enforcement developments and compliance considerations for children's privacy in the EU, UK and US are discussed with a panel:
Children's privacy: The latest in enforcement, compliance
Previous DPE Articles:
The UK Online Safety Bill becomes an Act (Law)
ICO: 10 Step guide to sharing information to safeguard children
The Children's Code