InfoSec / Cyber

Hooded person over a computer linked to a padlock and password, badge for data protection officer, white text saying Be Cyber Aware

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month: 19. Anti-virus/anti-malware

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and while we don't think that cyber awareness is something to cover just once in the year, we think it's a good opportunity to publish some information that can be used all year round.
Awareness Day Nineteen: Anti-virus/anti-malware
Awareness Day Nineteen: Anti-Virus/anti-malware

Antivirus (AV) software are types of software products which attempt to detect, quarantine and/or block malware from running on devices.

AV works in conjunction with network defences, device configuration and App Store scanning to try and block malware before it can cause harm to you or your organisation.

Review the DfE Meeting Digital and Technology Standards in Schools and Colleges : which advises you to use anti-malware software to protect all devices in the network, including cloud based networks. Some applications protect against viruses and general malware, some against one only. You need to protect against both.

Consider having your anti-virus software prevent the use of USB sticks in the organisation.

Review: NCSC Antivirus and other security software

Review DPE's previous articles about software anti-virus/anti-malware including explanations of malware and what to look out for:

More questions like these are in our Information and Cyber Security Checklist (only viewable with a valid Data Protection Education subscription):
