InfoSec / Cyber

Hooded person over a computer linked to a padlock and password, badge for data protection officer, white text saying Be Cyber Aware

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month: 11. Policies and Procedures

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and while we don't think that cyber awareness is something to cover just once in the year, we think it's a good opportunity to publish some information that can be used all year round.
Awareness Day Eleven: Policies and Procedures
Awareness Day Eleven: Policies and Procedures 
are a way for SLT and governing bodies to have a role in Cyber Security, here are some for consideration
  • Is there a Business Continuity Plan?
  • Is there a Cyber Incident Plan?
  • Do the staff know what to do in the event of a cyber attack?
  • Is there a policy specifying access control for all staff?
  • Is there a working from home/mobile working policy?
  • Is there an acceptable use policy?
  • Is there a loan agreement signed by staff when assigned school equipment?
  • Is there a written password policy?
  • Is there a written policy about removable media?

More questions like these are in our Information and Cyber Security Checklist (only viewable with a valid Data Protection Education ) subscription:
