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October is Cyber Security Awareness Month: 11. Policies and Procedures

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and while we don't think that cyber awareness is something to cover just once in the year, we think it's a good opportunity to publish some information that can be used all year round.
Awareness Day Eleven: Policies and Procedures

"Wherever there is technology there needs to be cybersecurity"

Implementing cybersecurity best practices is important for organisations of all sizes to protect personal, financial and sensitive information.

Awareness Day Eleven: Policies and Procedures 
are a way for SLT and governing bodies to have a role in Cyber Security, here are some for consideration
  • Is there a Business Continuity Plan?
  • Is there a Cyber Incident Plan?
  • Do the staff know what to do in the event of a cyber attack?
  • Is there a policy specifying access control for all staff?
  • Is there a working from home/mobile working policy?
  • Is there an acceptable use policy?
  • Is there a loan agreement signed by staff when assigned school equipment?
  • Is there a written password policy?
  • Is there a written policy about removable media?
Review our Policies Page for up to date policy templates.

More questions like these are in our Information and Cyber Security Checklist (only viewable with a valid Data Protection Education ) subscription:

We have a DfE Digital Standards Tracker to help you track your cyber resilience: 


Review our Cyber Security Best Practice Area for micro learning, support, guidance and policies:

Why not have a look at our 'specialist' trainer Harry the Hacker :
