InfoSec / Cyber

Hooded person over a computer linked to a padlock and password, badge for data protection officer, white text saying Be Cyber Aware

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month: 2. Privacy Protection

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and while we don't think that cyber awareness is something to cover just once in the year, we think it's a good opportunity to publish some information that can be used all year round.
Awareness Day Two: Privacy Protection.
Awareness Day Two:
Privacy protection is very closely linked to cyber security because of the increasing amount of personal information stored online.  Cyber awareness helps everyone maintain their privacy and control over their online presence.   Data privacy is the protection of personal data from those who should not have access to it and the ability of individuals to determine who can access their person information.

Access control of both physical data, such as the server, and online, such as user access control are both important in maintaining data security.  As the world becomes more connected online, the need to secure data has become part of every day life.  The need for cyber security awareness is to help prevent a data breach.

Cyber security is a term that describes hardware, software and best practices that might be used to secure an IT environment. Data privacy focuses on ensuring a user's information is properly handled, while cyber security focuses on preventing security breaches. Cyber security starts with security by design.

As the month unfolds we will be looking at each element of cyber security and hopefully creating better awareness.

Data protection by design under the UK GDPR and Part 3 of the Data Protection Act - you have a general obligation to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to show you have considered and integrated the principles of data protection into your processing activities.

Privacy by design holds that organisations need to consider privacy at the initial design stages and throughout the complete development process of new products, processes or services that involve processing personal data.

Sources of information: 
ICO Data Protection by Design and Default
CBT Nuggets: Cyber Security vs Data Privacy
