Best Practice Update

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SLT Digital Lead Profile

👩🏽‍🏫👨🏽‍💻 Since we have been talking to schools and multi academy trusts about the SLT digital lead, there have been a lot of questions about who that should be in the organisation. There’s often an assumption that it should automatically be the IT Manager, technician, or Data Protection Lead.  In this article, we explore the profile of an effective SLT Digital Lead and their critical role in shaping digital strategy, integrating technology into teaching and learning, ensuring business continuity, strengthening cybersecurity, and optimising administrative processes.
The SLT Digital Lead in schools plays a crucial role in driving digital strategy, ensuring the effective integration of technology into teaching, learning, business continuity, cyber security and administrative processes.

Who should be the SLT Digital Lead?

1. An SLT Member - for example, the deputy head or assistant head teacher. Someone from SLT mean that they have the authority and influence in school decision-making.

2. Background in Teaching - they should have a deep understanding of teaching and learning and how technology can enhance it.  Experience as a classroom teacher or curriculum leader for example.

3. Technology Proficient - they don't need to be technical, like an IT technician, but they should have a strong grasp of digital tool, trends and how they are used in education.

4. Strategic Thinker - they should be capable of understanding and helping to implement the long-term vision for digital transformation for the organisation.

5. Effective Communicator - the digital lead should be skilled in engaging everyone and be able to communicate the benefits and goals of the digital strategies.  They will need to consult and inform various staff and third-parties effectively.

6. Organisational and Management Skills - they will need to keep track of where the organisation is with the digital standards and be able to assign tasks to various members of staff and third parties.


1. Strategic Leadership - they should keep track of where the organisation is with applying the digital standards and understand and plan how the standards can be met.

2. Staff Training - they should help facilitate the required training by consulting and informing relevant staff and governors.

3. Collaboration - they will need to collaborate and inform staff members and third parties, including governors and leadership.  They should consult experts for answers to questions and advice on how to meet the standards.

4. Monitoring and evaluation - they should regularly review if the standards are being met, particularly those that have current legal requirements such as data protection and the filtering and monitoring.  Standards currently being met should continue to be reviewed to ensure that they continue to do so.

Who Typically Takes on the Role?

  • Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher: Often suited due to their experience in both strategic planning and operational oversight.
  • IT or Computing Specialist SLT Member: A leader with a background in computing or technology may bring specific expertise. Not the IT Manager or Technician.
  • Innovative Curriculum Leader: Someone passionate about integrating technology into pedagogy.

The SLT (Senior Leadership Team) digital lead in UK schools plays a crucial role in driving digital strategy, ensuring the effective integration of technology into teaching, learning, and administrative processes. The choice of this individual is critical for success, and the role typically suits someone with the following qualifications, skills, and responsibilities:

    Factors to Consider When Selecting the Digital Lead
    • Interest and Expertise: Choose someone genuinely interested in technology and its potential for education.
    • Support Network: Ensure they have the backing of the headteacher, SLT and Central trust team and access to IT support staff.
    • Time Allocation: Provide the leader with dedicated time and resources to fulfil their role effectively.

    Take our SLT Digital Lead Quiz to see if the person you are thinking of for the role is suitable:

    Schools, multi-academy trusts and colleges should look to the DfE Digital Standards for more guidance about cyber security and backing up data.

    If you’d like to learn more about the DfE Digital Standards—what needs to be done, who’s responsible, and the timelines—join one of our free webinars 👉

    We offer a range of resources, support, guidance and tracking tools to help you monitor your progress and report effectively. Documenting and tracking compliance is essential - it can demonstrate your cyber resilience in the aftermath of a cyber attack!

    Contact us today for some more information 📧 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Has your organisation assigned an SLT Digital Lead

    Invalid Input

    Amazing, you have ticked off an important part of the DfE Digital Standards for Schools and Colleges:

    Consider reviewing the DfE Leadership and Governance Digital Standards.

    For further help and guidance and access to the full checklist, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Assigning an SLT Digital Lead is a crucial, and first step, when assessing where you are with the DfE Digital Standards for Schools and Colleges:

    SLT Digital Lead Watch our video about how to assign the SLT digital lead.

    Please contact us for more help and advice about data protection compliance,meeting cyber security standards in your organisation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including the full checklist and best practice.


    Try asking the data protection  lead ,or SLT digital lead in your organisation or contact your DPO.

    Assigning an SLT Digital Lead is a crucial, and first step, when assessing where you are with the DfE Digital Standards for Schools and Colleges:

    DfE Digital Standards simply explained Watch our video about how to introduce the standards to your governing body and SLT.

    Please contact us for more help and advice about data protection compliance,meeting cyber security standards in your organisation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including the full checklist and best practice.

